A. 研討會專車
1. 長程交通車 ( 台北火車站 <- 經北二高 -> 竹南院區 )
07:30 台北火車站東三門
17:10 竹南院區行政大樓門口
07:30 台北火車站東三門
17:10 竹南院區行政大樓門口(經竹南火車站)
2. 短程交通車 ( 竹南火車站 -> 經東園飯店 ->竹南院區)
8:30 竹南火車站
9:00 竹南火車站
9:30 竹南火車站
17:10 本院竹南院區
09:00 竹南火車站
17:10 本院竹南院區
A. Bus Service
1. Taipei-ZhuNan Bus(Taipei Main Station <- Highway
3 -> NHRI ZhuNan Campus)
Departure :
May 31 and June 1st, three 40-passenger tour bus
07:30 a.m. Gate East 3, Taipei Main Station
17:10 p.m. NHRI ZhuNan Campus
June 2nd, one 40-passenger tour bus
07:30 a.m. Gate East 3, Taipei Main Station
17:10 p.m. NHRI ZhuNan Campus (stop by ZhuNan Train
2. Transit Shuttle Bus (ZhuNan Train Station <-
TungYuan Hotel -> NHRI ZhuNan Campus)
Departure :
May 31 and June 1st,
Morning, one 20-passenger van each shift
08:30 ZhuNan Train Station
09:00 ZhuNan Train Station
09:30 ZhuNan Train Station
Evening, two 20-passenger van
17:20 NHRI ZhuNan Campus
June 2nd, one 20-passenger van*
09:00 ZhuNan Train Station
17:20 NHRI ZhuNan Campus
*subject to changes upon number of passengers
*說明 : 本次研討會提供上述免費之長短程交通車,其它交通方式或住宿資訊提供如下,費用請自理。
B. 台灣鐵路火車 南下
車種 |
車次 |
竹南站到站時間 |
電車 |
2123 |
08:10 |
自強號 |
1003 |
08:19 |
自強號 |
11007 |
09:18 |
車種 |
車次 |
竹南站到站時間 |
自強號 |
1002 |
08:19 |
莒光號 |
44 |
09:08 |
B. Train Taiwan Railway Adminstration Southbound
Type |
No. |
Arrival at ZhuNan Train Station |
Electric Multiple Unit |
2123 |
08:10 |
Tze Chiang |
1003 |
08:19 |
Tze Chiang |
11007 |
09:18 |
Type |
No. |
Arrival at ZhuNan Train Station |
Tze Chiang |
1002 |
08:19 |
Chu Kuang |
44 |
09:08 |
For transit shuttle buses form ZhuNan Train Station to NHRI ZhuNan Campus, please refer to
Section A. Bus Service
C. 國光號客運
C. Bus by Motor Transport Co. L T D.
Please go to the Taipei North Station of Motor Transport Co. L T D (at the corner of Chengde Road and Civic Blvd, across the street from the North Gate of Taipei Main Station), take the TouFen Route and get off at ZhuNan Train Station, then take the transit shuttle bus to NHRI ZHuNan Campus
D.自行開車 經中山高: 下頭份交流道轉一號省道往北到達竹南基地。 經北二高:
下香山交流道轉一號省道往南到達竹南基地。 *停車注意事項 : 1. 進入院區請出示上課通知單換證進入。(搭乘專車者免)。 2. 請由本院2號門進入,車輛請停放行政大樓前圓環南側貴賓訪客專用停車場。
D.Driving Directions
Take Highway 1, get off the highway at TouFen interchange, head north and drive along Local 1 to get to NHRI Zhu Nan Campus。
Take Highway 3, get off the highway at ShiangShan interchange, head south and drive along Local 1 to get to NHRI Zhu Nan Campus。