為支援基因體醫學國家型計畫,TBI生物資訊學核心整合計畫特規劃在台灣舉辦病毒演化分析與分子流行病學研習會(Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology),這個課程是由比利時魯汶大學Rega醫學研究所(Rega Institute for Medical
Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)的Anne-Mike Vandamme教授於1995年開辦,10年來在歐美各地開課皆很受好評,報名踴躍一位難求。今年我們特地請到佛羅里達大學(University of Florida)的 Dr. Marco Salemi 和芬蘭國家公共衛生研究所(National Public Health Institute)的
Dr. Mika Salminen 來為我們授課。二位教授皆是該課程的主講人,而且也是從事病毒演化與分子流行病學研究的專家。本研習會與馬偕醫院醫學研究部劉信孚博士合作,將介紹序列分析、分子演化分析常用工具之原理和方法,同時舉辦專題公開演講,介紹病毒演化與分子流行病學的新發現,並配合電腦操作課程,以病毒分子演化分析為實例演練,相信對於培養分子演化分析之人才、促進國內傳染性疾病(infectious disease)研究,有莫大助益。
Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology
Phylogenetic analysis and ancestral inference of related nucleic acid or protein sequences
are widely used to address problems in virus evolution, and have played a very important role in the prediction and identification of newly emerging etiological agents. The purpose of "Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology" is to explain the theory and methods in phylogenetic analysis, together with hands-on computor practices, to benefit researchers in this area. This workshop was originally organized by Professor Anne-Mike Vandamme at Rega Institute for Medical Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ten years ago, and has received great appreciation from attendants all over the world. For the workshop in Taiwan, we have invited
Dr. Marco Salemi from University of Florida, and
Dr. Mika Salminen from National Public Health Institute,
Finland, to give keynote speeches and workshop lectures. They are both experts in molecular phylogeny and have been key lecturers in many of such workshops held in Europe and in the US. Another lecturer, Dr. Hsin-Fu Liu at Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, also an expert in molecular phylogeny, worked as organizer for this workshop. This workshop is hosted by Taiwan Bioinformatics Institute (TBI) -- Integrated Bioinformatics Core, an National Research Program for Genomic Medicine(NRPGM) sponsored project conducted at National Health Research Institute (NHRI).