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         2004台德生物資訊學術研討會為德國研究協會The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)與我國生物資訊學者聯合舉辦的雙邊學術交流活動。 研討會安排了基因體學及基因組比較研究(Genomics and Genome Comparison )、 生物資訊在功能基因體學之應用(Bioinformatics in Functionl Genomics)、 蛋白質體學(Proteomics)、結構生物資訊學(Structural Bioinformatics)、蛋白質交互作用(Protein Interactions)、 反應途徑與網絡 (Pathway and Networks)、系統生物學(Systems Biology)等七大主題,由雙方學者發表演講,交換研究心得,藉由增進彼此在生物資訊領域研究的相互瞭解, 促成進一步的交流。
     The human genome project has revolutionized the practice of biology and future potential of medicine. The draft DNA sequence of the human genome has been published and complete genomes of other organisms continue to be sequenced. Meanwhile, high-throughput studies are being conducted and rapid advances being made in areas such as gene expression, protein expression, protein structure and function, metabolic and signaling pathways, and protein-protein interactions and networks. With the enormous quantity and variety of data being produced, biology becoming an increasingly quantitative science. Computational approaches, in combination with empirical methods, are expected to become essential for deriving and evaluating hypotheses.
     Bioinformatics is an emerging field where biological and computational disciplines converge. The field encompasses the development and application of computational tools and approaches for the collection, analysis, management, and visualization of biological data, as well as mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques for the study of biological systems. A wide range of bioinformatics methods have been developed, including sequence and structural alignment, molecular database design and mining, phylogenetic tree construction, prediction of protein structure and function, gene finding, and expression data clustering. The emphasis is on approaches integrating a variety of computational methods and heterogeneous data sources for biological knowledge discovery.
Advances in genomics and proteomics have highlighted the importance of bioinformatics approach to biotechnology, drug discovery, and disease diagnosis. The challenges are to determine the functional significance of each gene, understand the complex functional networks and control mechanisms, and figure out the role genotype and environment play in determining the phenotype. For example, the genetic variation (polymorphism) and gene expression profiling data generated by massive genotyping and DNA microarray studies may help elucidate the genetic basis of disease susceptibility and drug response. Disease diagnosis is possible with gene chip technology and statistical clustering algorithms that are capable of screening and analyzing the expression of thousands of genes correlated with disease states. The proteomic data may be translated into workable models or simulations of cells, pathways, or targets, providing guidance for target selection and drug development.
     The symposium scheduled from April 5th to April 8th 2004 will bring together an interdisciplinary panel of experts from bioinformatics, biology, information science, and statistics to address critical issues, stimulate ideas and collaborations, strengthen communications between scientists from Germany and Taiwan. Our participants will showcase examples of gene mapping methods, gene-expression profiling analysis, bioinformatics applications in functional genomics, bioinformatics for metabolic network, pathway discovery, multi protein system, structural bioinformatics, algorithms for genome comparison, among other recent advancements.
The symposium aims at the identification of research areas with common interests which could be carried out more effectively in joint projects, putting together the competencies and experiences of both sites. A desired result of the initiative is the formulation of proposals for joint research projects submitted to the corresponding national funding agencies as DFG and NSC.
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     Prof. Volkhard Helms Prof. I-Shou Chang     張憶壽教授
     Prof. Ralf Hofestaedt Dr. Chun-Houh Chen     陳君厚博士
     Prof. Oliver Kohlbacher Prof. Chen-Hsin Chen     陳珍信教授
     Prof. Juergen Nehmer Prof. Chao A. Hsiung     熊昭教授
     Prof. Knut Reinert Prof. Wen-Lian Hsu     許聞廉教授
     Prof. Dietmar Schomburg Prof. Jenn-Kang Hwang     黃鎮剛教授
     Dr. Gerit P. Sonntag Dr. Ming-Jing Hwang     黃明經博士
     Prof. Peter Stadler Prof. Cheng-Yan Kao     高成炎教授
     Prof. Jens Stoye Dr. Chung-Yen Lin     林仲彥博士
     Prof. Andrew Torda Prof. Ping-Chiang Lyu     呂平江教授
     Prof. Ralf Zimmer Prof. Ueng-Cheng Yang     楊永正教授
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Email: bioinfo@nhri.org.tw    Fax:02-87924751       Tel:02-26534401
Ms. Kuei-Yu Lee (李桂玉) x8225
Mr. Te-Hsun Yang (楊德勳) x8232
Mr. Shih-Hai Wang (汪詩海) x8325
Mr. Yi-Lan Weng (翁翊嵐) x8244

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