2005 中澳生物資訊學術研討會
中澳生物資訊研討會為澳大利亞Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre in Bioinformatics (簡稱ACB)與我國生物資訊學者接洽舉辦的雙邊學術交流活動。活動分為研討會,參訪,以及座談會三種方式進行,會議安排了基因體學及基因組比較研究(Genomics and Genome Comparison )、 生物資訊在功能基因體學之應用(Bioinformatics in Functional Genomics)、 蛋白質體學(Proteomics)、結構生物資訊學(Structural Bioinformatics)、蛋白質交互作用(Protein Interactions)等主題,由雙方學者發表演講,交換研究心得,並安排澳大利亞學者參訪國內生物資訊中心,最後的座談會則是以商議共同的研究主題為宗旨,目的在於藉由增進彼此在生物資訊領域研究的瞭解,激盪出共同的研究標的,發展出具體的合作計畫。
Introduction The human genome project has revolutionized the practice of biology and future potential of medicine. The draft DNA sequence of the human genome has been published and complete genomes of other organisms continue to be sequenced. Meanwhile, high-throughput studies are being conducted and rapid advances being made in areas such as gene expression, protein expression, protein structure and function, metabolic and signaling pathways, and protein-protein interactions and networks. With the enormous quantity and variety of data being produced, biology becoming an increasingly quantitative science. Computational approaches, in combination with empirical methods, are expected to become essential for deriving and evaluating hypotheses.
Bioinformatics is an emerging field where biological and computational disciplines converge. The field encompasses the development and application of computational tools and approaches for the collection, analysis, management, and visualization of biological data, as well as mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques for the study of biological systems. A wide range of bioinformatics methods have been developed, including sequence and structural alignment, molecular database design and mining, phylogenetic tree construction, prediction of protein structure and function, gene finding, and expression data clustering. The emphasis is on approaches integrating a variety of computational methods and heterogeneous data sources for biological knowledge discovery.
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre in Bioinformatics (ACB) was established in late 2003 with funding of A$1.37M per year. ACB is headquartered at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at The University of Queensland. ACB is a multi-nodal, interdisciplinary centre that uniquely brings together genomic and post-genomic bioinformatics, complex systems research and high-throughput experimental phenomics. They aim to produce a deep understanding of how information in the genome is transformed into structure and function in the mammalian cell. They are actively involved in research collaborations and linkages with many overseas institutions.
The symposium scheduled from September 6th to 9th 2005 will bring together an interdisciplinary panel of experts from bioinformatics, biology, information science, and statistics to address critical issues, stimulate ideas and collaborations, strengthen communications between scientists from Australia and Taiwan. Our participants will showcase examples of gene mapping methods, gene-expression profiling analysis, bioinformatics applications in functional genomics, bioinformatics for metabolic network, pathway discovery, multi protein system, structural bioinformatics, algorithms for genome comparison, among other recent advancements. The symposium aims at the identification of research areas with common interests which could be carried out more effectively in joint projects, putting together the competencies and experiences of both sites. A desired result of the initiative is the formulation of proposals for joint research projects submitted to the corresponding national funding agencies as ARC and NSC.