Usage of EMBOSS GUI applications
(Screen recorded videos. Each video is an executable file, just download and execute them to see the exercise.) |
Introduction to database and applications: Showdb, Wossname |
Sequence retrieval and reformat: Seqret ( Part I , Part II ) |
Pairwise sequence alignment: Needle, Water |
Multiple sequence alignment and consensus seqs: Emma, Showalign, Prettyplot |
Restriction map and Open Reading Frame: Remap,
Showorf, Plotorf |
Primers prediction and design: Eprimer3 |
Usage of JEMBOSS applications
(Streaming format videos) |
and JEMBOSS system |
Databases, sequence retrieval and reformat
: Showdb, Wossname, Seqret |
Sequence retrieval : Entrez, ExPASy |
Pairwise sequence alignment
: Dottup, Dotmatcher, Needle, Water |
Multiple sequence alignment and consensus seqs:
Emma, Showalign, Prettyplot |
Restriction map and Open Reading Frame : Remap,
Showorf, Plotorf |
Sequence edit programs and Eprimer3 |